It's all in the pout
Show me your best pout
I can't believe that I have never actually written a post on my obsession with lipstick before. It is a running joke amongst my friends, my love affair with lip gloss. I think I may have some kind of buying lip stick disorder. I literally have to buy one (at least!) every time I go shopping. I'm not sure why, I think I just love colour and it's such an easy way to totally transform your look. My lipstick reflects my mood. I generally go bright, but if I have tan I may opt for a gold/brown colour. So I thought I would show you a few of my favourites at the moment, it changes week to week!
Poppy by Laura Mercier is part of the same set. Again, very shiny. This fire engine red is as Jessica rabbit as they come. The ultimate evening look.
PINK, PINK and more PINK. This little number by Smash Box is as the name suggests is bright pink. I like all of the smash box lip sticks, I have a few. They are quite matt, but stay put. They are all strong in colour which I like and not wishy washy and off within 5 minutes.
Lush lip colours are multi purpose. They can be used anywhere on the face, but I prefer them firmly attached to my lips. They are quite powdery and I would imagine would feel drying if you have dry lips. They are more of a stain, again I like them cos they stay put!
Just a quick post, but hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into my ridiculously huge lipstick collection!
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