Does Social Media dictate Fashion?
Fashion and Social media
If you are reading this now, you are probably a blogger. As a fashion blogger I can guarantee that you will empathise with almost everything I say in this post.
Social Media
I am, by far, not as bad as many people. Not because I don't want to be, but I simply can't be, due to the fact I have a stressful full time job, a two year old and a husband. I simply cannot spend my life stuck to these apps. I know, however, that if my situation was different, this would not be the case. Our world is now a strange surrealism in which we know so many people and know the intimate goings on in their lives, see their personal family holiday pictures, but don't actually know them at all. We are all such aggressive observers that we are obsessed with other people's lives, what they are doing, what they are wearing. It is like a modern day, real life soap opera which we can tune into whenever we choose to see what is happening now.
In the past, fashion was dictated by designers, models and celebrities, in many respects it still is, but at a much faster pace. We can see a celeb wearing something on Instagram one day and it will be manufactured in a factory in China within 24 hours. High Street shops hungrily search the web for what is "trending" so that they can copy and send to the factory and have it on the store shelves in no time at all.
It does beg the question are we all being told what to wear rather than deciding for ourselves? Don't get me wrong, we are all influenced by others. I have my favourite fashion bloggers who I try to "steal" their look, but at least this is my choice. Shops like New Look and Top Shop push current trends onto us, chosen by the latest celebrity facebook image. Are we that easily manipulated that our style and taste can be decided for us? Are we that influenced by the media and celebrities that we follow like foolish sheep to the slaughterer which is the media world?
Unfortunately, I cannot answer all of the questions. I certainly cannot judge. I like nothing more that to nose through someone's Facebook page/Instagram and blog, why? I'm not sure, but I cannot help feel that maybe a few more power cuts might do me a bit of good.
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