How to start your own blog and do it sucessfully!
A really helpful guest post by Angela...
How To Start Your Own Fashion Blog and Do It Successfully
One of the most popular
blogs, when it comes to categorizing them on the basis of niche areas, are
fashion blogs. Every individual with some knowledge and little interest in
Fashion thinks about setting up a fashion blog.
However, most of these attempts fail because they do not know that you need a
little more than the above-mentioned to run a fashion blog successfully.
Here are a few tips that can help you in your attempt and
facilitate the success of your blog.
1. Pay
a good amount of attention on the layout and design of the blog. It is highly
unlikely that anyone will read the content of your blog if the page is not
visually appealing. Fashion is all about visual appeal and your blog must
embody that to become successful.
2. It
is also important to decide in advance if the blog will be managed by a single
person or multiple people. However, if you decide to involve, more people, then
be sure that you are collaborating with people whom you can trust.
3. Ensure
that your blog gets a good and regular influx of posts. This is the reason why
you may consider asking many people to post on your blog. However, if you are
not a regular at posting then the blog will soon become boring, and people will
not want to visit you.
4. It
is beneficial for you to understand that a blog will become successful only if
you are able to give people the kind of content that they like to read. If you
concentrate on your personal interests without researching about trends and
what people are searching for, you may end up with content that no one shall
5. Every
time you update the blog, be sure to publicize it. Let people know that the
blog has something new on offer. This is the only way you can ensure that
people are attracted to the blog and not repelled by it. Besides, regularly
update the blog with new designs and trendy graphics to refresh the look and
feel of the blog.
6. Vary
the kind of posts and content that you put up on the blog. Specializing in a
niche area is a good thing, but it also restricts your audience to people who
are interested in that niche areas. In order to gain attention of a broad area
of audience, it is important to have something for everyone.
7. You
can have the best graphics, content and overall blog design, but all of it shall
go to waste if you do not popularize your blog in the right manner. People will
visit your blog only if they know about it. Therefore, it is important to
spread the word via any means of communication.
In addition to the above
mentioned, ensure that you keep your blog alive with the latest flavors and
trends in the market. Taking a break with the blog can cost you the blog.
Moreover, personalize your blog and blog posts to incorporate your opinion.
This builds trust and shall certainly improve your readership. Keep going, keep
posting and there is no reason why you will not be able to succeed with your
First thank you for inviting me on IFB,and indeed,there are so many fashion blog ,but only a few of them will stand out,anything happen for reasons.
ReplyDeletenow, i wanna invite you to my blog,and tell me you think my blog will be famous or not.
my blog:
these are sure some great advices! thanks for posting this <3
Pudding Monster
Really useful as I've just started fashion blogging.
Thank you! Reading this motivated me to rearrange a couple things on my page! Looking forward to your future posts ;D
ReplyDelete<3 Carsla
Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.
Thanks everyone for your comments xxx
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tips, Scarlett! Very useful x