Fifties fun
There is nothing more fun than dressing up. From being a little girl we adore getting dressed up in mummy's clothes, make-up and shoes. I can see that now with Scarlett, she is desperate to copy me. She wants to paint her nails the same colour as mine wear my lipstick and try on my shoes. As much as I want to dis courage her being appearance obsessed from a young age, there is something magical about dressing up with mummy. I think it is an important bonding time between mother and daughter. I certainly have fond memories of spending time discovering my mum's make-up:-) So when do we stop being able to play dress up? I think the answer is NEVER! Why should we? When you become an adult we are told that all the fun things should stop. Well for me dressing up is not one of them! I adore glamour and the fifties was an amazing time to be a woman.
The fifties was a decade which allowed women to be women, to celebrate their curves, to wear beautiful dresses, to be glamorous and fun. I have a major obsession at the moment with the brand Emily and Fin. Their style can be described as glamorous vintage with a modern twist. The dresses are styled on women. The colours pretty and the prints imaginative.
For the fun photo shoot in the beautiful Lancashire sun in my back garden I got out my favourite dress of the season. The Emily and Fin lolly dress. I know I have worn it a few times before, but I just adore it. I feel super feminine in it and it is just ideal for almost every occasion. It fits well in all the right places, so I feel quite confident when I wear it.
I wore these super bright coral shoes which I bought last season from New Look. They were as cheap as chips and people always compliment me on them when I wear them.
The glasses are limited edition wayfarers which I featured in my birthday present post.
I just love this look. Red lips,big hair. I feel all woman!
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