Seaside and lollies
Life is busy at the moment. Actually, busy is an under statement. Trying to combine motherhood with a stressful job is almost impossible. Although I will not give in. If you have read my recent posts you will see that I am being under a huge amount of pressure by my bosses to basically "step down" now that I am a mother. Well, if I choose to change my job, then that's my business. I am not claiming to be super woman, but at the same time I am perfectly capable of being a good mother and holding down a job!
So this week, I have been working in Portugal. Rather than leave Scarlett at home, I brought her with me. I think it's a great experience to travel as much as you can while you're young. Scarlett is so content sat on planes and travelling, I really love the fact that she is so able to adapt.
I spent the week visiting customers. My parents very kindly bought a ticket and came over to Portugal and watched little miss while I had my appointments.
We did have one free afternoon, so I took my little princess down to the beach for a bit of mummy and Scarlett time.
My dress is my summer favourite by Emily and Fin . I love my job, but if I am made to choose, there is absolutely no contest.
Your photos are beautiful and that dress is gorgeous on you. Scarlett is as gorgeous as ever, you make a beautiful mother/daughter team xxx