#BritishBloggerSelection-About me
Hi, I have been give the theme for week 2, about me, a question and answer session. So, I'll just get straight to it.
Question One: Why do you like blogging?
I have an online fashion shop and it originally started as a way of promoting it, then I really got into it and find that writing is so creative, a great hobby. I also love the interaction with other bloggers, a fab way to meet new people with similar interests.
Question Two: How did you come up with your blog name?
Well the blog is about fashion and my little girl is called Scarlett, so Scarlett's Fashion blog seemed an obvious choice:-)
Question Three: Where from the UK do you come from?
I am originally from East Yorkshire, but have lived in a few places over the years, I now live in The Forest of Bowland in Lancashire.
Question Four: Favourite colour?
I really don't know, I love experimenting with colours especially in clothes.
Question Five: Do you like Lana Del Ray?
Erm, I don't really know it, sorry!
Question Six: Hidden Talents That You Have?
I can speak 3 languages.
Question Seven: Celebrity Crush?
I really don't have one, but if I did I certainly wouldn't go for the traditional Beckham or Brad Pitt, I tend to go for someone a bit more quirky.
Question Eight: Favourite Blog Of All Time?
I'm not sure if I've found one yet, I am still discovering.
Question Nine: What made you want to join #BritiahBloggerSelection?
To meet some new people and hopefully gain some new readers:-)
Hi, I've just found you through #britishbloggerselection and now following - your blog is great and I'm looking forward to your future posts! x
Hi Kay, Many thanks! I will check out your blog now xxx