My weightloss update
I realised that I hadn't updated my weight loss update for for a while and I wanted to let you know that I haven't totally gone off track. The idea was to loose a stone by the time I did my half marathon. As I had to travel to Italy on business that week, unfortunately, we couldn't take part. I haven't given up on my weight loss goal, but it has taken a little longer than I would have hoped for.
I attended my weigh in at Weight Weightwatchers this week and to date I have lost a total of 12.5 lbs! Not far to go:-)
My Top tips for my weight loss so far:
I'd love to give you some more secret weight loss tips, but I really don't think that they exist. I know because I have tried them all. Every fad diet, every slimming pill, every detox, none of them ever work. I even tried hypnotherapy. I did loose weight, but it went back twice as quickly as it came off. I have been on a diet since I was about 11 years old, I think this makes me a professional dieter and as an expert I can guarantee that there is no easy way:-(
Being obsessive about weight loss is a horrible thing to live with. It consumes you and takes over your life. I think it is something that is drilled into you as a child for whatever reason. For me, I was ever so slightly chubby and as we all know kids are cruel so I was taunted for it throughout my school years. My weight has been up and down my whole life. At my thinnest I was a size 6 and my largest a 14. I'm a size 10 now, I know that it's a healthy size, but I know that I will never be happy with my weight and it will be a constant battle, which is a sad reality. I am determined that Scarlett will not grow up with the same insecurities as me. I will encourage her to love her food, but enjoy exercise. I will never let her see my weight issues. This is one thing Ian and I are both very adamant about and try our best to make sure that Scarlett grows up a confident little girl with as few insecurities as possible, well as much as we can control.
I attended my weigh in at Weight Weightwatchers this week and to date I have lost a total of 12.5 lbs! Not far to go:-)
My Top tips for my weight loss so far:
- Running, running, running! I am running 3 times per week. I generally do about 5 miles, sometimes more if I'm feeling brave, but as the weather gets colder this is less and less appealing! I still dread going and procrastinate as much as I possibly can, but I know that I feel feel amazing afterwards. There is no doubt that is the best thing ever to shape your body up. I can see my ample bum is even starting to shape up!
- I have been following WeightWatchers. I was very strict to begin with, but I must admit my tracking is a bit hit and miss now. I think it's a great way of telling you when you've had enough to eat for the day and also highlights some foods that you think are healthy are not quite so healthy as you thought and have hidden baddies inside.
- I try to drink more water. I don't always do it, but when I do I can see that the weigh loss is better
I'd love to give you some more secret weight loss tips, but I really don't think that they exist. I know because I have tried them all. Every fad diet, every slimming pill, every detox, none of them ever work. I even tried hypnotherapy. I did loose weight, but it went back twice as quickly as it came off. I have been on a diet since I was about 11 years old, I think this makes me a professional dieter and as an expert I can guarantee that there is no easy way:-(
Being obsessive about weight loss is a horrible thing to live with. It consumes you and takes over your life. I think it is something that is drilled into you as a child for whatever reason. For me, I was ever so slightly chubby and as we all know kids are cruel so I was taunted for it throughout my school years. My weight has been up and down my whole life. At my thinnest I was a size 6 and my largest a 14. I'm a size 10 now, I know that it's a healthy size, but I know that I will never be happy with my weight and it will be a constant battle, which is a sad reality. I am determined that Scarlett will not grow up with the same insecurities as me. I will encourage her to love her food, but enjoy exercise. I will never let her see my weight issues. This is one thing Ian and I are both very adamant about and try our best to make sure that Scarlett grows up a confident little girl with as few insecurities as possible, well as much as we can control.
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