My mid week shopping pick me up
Do you ever feel sick of your look? Maybe it's the grim weather and the lack of day light, but today I felt like I needed a little retail pick me up. Scarlett is full of cold and coughing throughout the night, I have bags that I could do do my Asda shop in. My skin is dry and I feel washed out. So, I thought I would have a mid week treat. As I popped into Boots to get some medicine for Scarlett, I managed to grab these beauts. I love Barry M Gelly nail polishes. I have almost all colours now, so I thought that I would complete the collection. I bought Blueberry, Satsuma, Lychee and Plum. I also got these great glitter free polish. Bonus!
I also wanted to brighten my face up, so I invested in these two bright, matt lip sticks by SmashBox.
The colours, Electric Pink and Melondrama. They are very creamy, very matt and seem to be long lasting. They certainly are bright!
Staying with Smashbox, I was taken by this under eye lighter. It will be a miracle if it does the trick, but it does seem very light and has a illuminate colour which I love.
My colour frenzy didn't end there. I then "popped" into Topshop and came out with these purchases.
A pencil Tartan skirt. I have a bit of an obsession for Tartan at the moment, pencil skirts are a must and very flattering to me pear shape, so I had to buy this. The fluffy cropped plum jumper was it's perfect play mate.
This orange T'shirt dress is my fourth in this style. I currently have green, red, black and now orange. It is just so easy to wear. Great for work, shopping, day and night. As I feel the need for colour, this orange one just took my eye!
I am quite impressed with my one hour shopping spree! I can't wait to get them on and start feeling a little brighter.
If anyone has any advice on how I can re vamp my style, I would love to hear your suggestions.
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